Disney’s The Lion King is an animated film first released to the public June 24, 1994. Winning two Academy Awards for the music and a Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture, The Lion King continues to be a classic film for children and adults alike. The story follows a young lion cub, Simba, and his life through adulthood. The movie is set in the Pride Lands of Africa, where lions rule the kingdom.
There are only 25,000 coins produced worldwide, 10 times lower than the maximum mintages set on previous licensed Silver bullion coins from New Zealand Mint. With such a low mintage, take advantage of the opportunity to own this officially licensed Lion King Silver coin.
Coin Highlights
- Limited mintage of 25,000 coins worldwide.
- Contains 1 oz of .999 fine silver.
- Obverse: Features the Ian Rank-Broadley likeness of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II surrounded by the country and face value.
- Reverse: Displays Simba as an adult, standing on Pride Rock, with the Disney logo and ” Lion King 25th Anniversary” engraved on the coin. Also included is the metal content, purity and Disney copyright for further authentication.
- Multiples of 25 come in Lion King themed plastic tubes. Multiples of 250 come in Lion King themed monster boxes.
- Each coin has a diameter of 40 mm and thickness of 3 mm.
- Coin backed by the Niue government with a face value of $2 and officially licensed by Disney.
Images are for illustration purposes only.
Bullion coins supplied may vary in finish, including colour tone, tarnishing, scratches and milk spotting. Image quality may also vary when viewed on different desktop and mobile devices.
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